Caring for Your Sexual Health After Breast Cancer

Caring for Your Sexual Health After Breast Cancer

breast cancer survivor with text overlay "Caring for your sexual health after breast cancer"

Surviving breast cancer can leave your body feeling war-ravaged. Not only do you have to learn a new way to mentally live in the world but you must also find a way to live physically. And part of your physical health is taking care of your sexual organs – which we don’t talk about enough. […]

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Breast Cancer: Four Ways to Move Through Your Diagnosis

a person twirling to represent movement through breast cancer diagnosis with the text "Breast Cancer: four ways to move through your diagnosis" is overlaid on the image

If you are a woman with breast cancer, the notion of body betrayal can be all too real. The self you once knew and felt comfortable with now looks and acts different. It’s difficult – the sense that your own body is under attack and feeling unwell. All of this ties into body image and […]

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