Changing Seasons: Finding Resilience and Renewal

Changing Seasons: Finding Resilience and Renewal

finding resiliance and renewal in the changing of seasons a flower blooming in the winter snow

Winter is the most uncomfortable time of the year. Color drains from the world. Frost bites the life out of the garden we so carefully cultivated. Humans seek shelter and isolation from the bitterness of the cold. We have no choice but to sit and watch winter as it blankets us. Winter is a forced […]

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Practicing Radical Self Care

woman undergoing breast cancer treatment practicing radical self care

For some who receive a cancer diagnosis, it can feel like the beginning of a lonely, uphill battle. Not only are cancer patients fighting for their lives, but also their autonomy, authenticity and dignity as they choose how to proceed with treatment. Choosing can look like sticking with the “norms” of conventional medicine, or it […]

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What to Do When Life Takes an Unexpected Turn

nature scene of trees in the woods of Washington with the text overlay: "Breast Cancer: when life takes an unexpected turn"

What happens when life takes an unexpected turn? Please read on to learn how one patient grappled with the news of her breast cancer diagnosis. Melissa’s note: “We were sitting around the fire at our family cabin reminiscing about the days when the kids were little and how they would toddle around too close to […]

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Genetic Testing for Breast Cancer: Creating the Big Picture

three women representing three generations with the overlay text reading: "breast cancer: creating the big picture"

What you know about life with breast cancer is often just a snapshot. Do you have the full picture? Walking into your childhood home, you glance over and see your mother asleep in her easy chair. She doesn’t get up as much as you would like, but after her breast cancer diagnosis she doesn’t have […]

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